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Peak Health Osteopathic Clinic is a private clinic, near Cheltenham.  The Clinic is fully committed to improve each patient's quality of health and athletic performance.  Providing a tailored and effective diagnostic, treatment and advisory service the Clinic ensures that the underlying cause of injury or dysfunction is addressed in addition to the symptoms.  This leaves you to enjoy and manage your own activities with better function and less pain.  Whether you are a professional athlete, attempting your first 5k run, a busy parent, worker or grandparent (or any combination of these) Peak Health Osteopathic Clinic is here to help.  

My role as an osteopath can perhaps be best described as a mechanic for the human body.  Indeed the workings of the body I find fascinating and this led me to first study neurophysiology at undergraduate and masters level and latterly osteopathy.  I also have a keen interest in endurance sport and have competed in triathlon at various distances up to IM - at age group level and also as an elite in the GB long distance squad (a long time ago!).  Having spent 16 years in the Army including the associated military training and representing the Army in cross country, marathon and triathlon I have also had my own fair share of injuries!  Indeed the practical experience I have gained as an athlete, triathlon coach and osteopath together with a background in physiology have been key in providing me with a depth of understanding that spans the biomechanical, physiological and psychological aspects of body function and dysfunction. Harnessing this knowledge and applying practically to improve the quality of health of others, athlete and non- athlete alike, is where my journey has taken me. 


Bachelor of Osteopathy degree (First Class)

Masters degree in Neurophysiology (Cantab)

Sports Massage Diploma

British Triathlon Federation Level 2 Coach

Athletic highlights

First GB female, Ironman World Championships 2004

6th female overall, Ironman France 2006

Multiple tri-service triathlon and duathlon champion

Group of Road Bikers

Lindsey Courage

Peak Health Clinic

The Torrs,

Badgeworth Lane,


GL51 4UQ

Tel: 01242 861491

Mob: 07766 804516

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