Peak Health
Osteopathic Clinic
What is involved in treatment?
Treatment involves finding the dysfunctional tissue but also the contributing factors that are causing the tissue to be dysfunctional. These could be behavioural/occupational e.g. overuse injury or compensatory due to an imbalance in structure or function elsewhere in the body. This ensures that the cause of the problem is treated and not just the symptoms. So a treatment session takes the form of:
1) Case history taking - including questions about general health/behaviours as well as the particular injury/condition
2) Postural examination - this frequently requires the patient to undress to underwear/shorts etc
3) Observation of movement patterns
4) Examination of joints and soft tissues in the body through palpation (touch)
5) Treatment
Treatment depends upon the findings but typically involves hands-on manipulation of the spine and/or joints and soft tissue massage of the appropriate tissues. You will always be asked permission and any treatment will only be carried out if consented to by the patient. (If necessary arrangements for referral for local MRI or X-ray can be made).
Exercises and stretches and additional advice may be given to aid with recovery and prevent re-occurrence.
What to bring?
Appropriate dress. Sports shorts are useful. Running and work footwear if the problem is related
Referral letter from GP if relevant
Any X -rays/imagery reports related to the injury